Sal ! Am dat de un necaz si nu stiu ce sa mai fac !!!
Dupa o updatare la JAVA, solicitat de system, nu mai pot activa wampserverul localhost..
Imi da eroarea 1 of 2 services running, iar la Test port 80 in cmd afiseaza:
===Tested by command netstat filtered on port 80 ===
'find' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or butch file .
Port 80 is not found associated with TCP protocol.
===Tested by attempting to open a socket on port 80 ===
Your port 80 is not actually used.
Am cautat prin multe forumuri, dar nu am gasit ceva care sa ma lamureasca,
iar in ce priveste 'operable program or butch file' nu am cunostinte asa de avansate ...
Am deja in functiune un proiect sub localhost, pe care acum nu-l mai pot rula,
dar nu indraznesc sa upgradez la "wampserver3" de teama sa nu pierd tot proiectul...
local server 1 of 2 services running
Moderator: Moderatori
local server 1 of 2 services running
Ultima oară modificat Lun Apr 30, 2018 4:41 pm de către papaleon, modificat 1 dată în total.
- Senior Member
- Mesaje: 1264
- Membru din: Mar Iun 22, 2010 3:17 pm
Re: local server 1 of 2 services running
Fa-ti backup la proiect. Copiaza tot, undeva sigur si arhiveaza-l in zip sau ceva. Mai bine: foloseste un sistem de versionare, ca Git.
Nush cum ai cautat, dar eu am gasit o gramada de probleme asemanatoare: ... e&ie=UTF-8
Nush cum ai cautat, dar eu am gasit o gramada de probleme asemanatoare: ... e&ie=UTF-8
Facusi un canal de php pe freenode - ##php-ro :
Re: local server 1 of 2 services running
Am reinstalat Wampserver 3, si s-a activat localhost cu Port 80, dar la testarea portului apare in cmd eroarea:
'FINDSTR' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or butch file .
'FINDSTR' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or butch file .
****Test which uses port 80 ****
====Tested by command netstat filtered on port 80 ====
Port 80 is not found associated with TCP protocol
Port 80 is not found associated with TCP protocol
====Tested by attempting to open a socket on port 80 ====
Your port 80 is actually used by:
Server: Apache/2.4.33 <Win.32> PHP/5.6.35
Nu reusesc sa fixez aceasta eroare, desi localhost se comporta normal ...
Cred ca singura solutie ar fi sa reinstalez Windows si toate celelalte ...
'FINDSTR' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or butch file .
'FINDSTR' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or butch file .
****Test which uses port 80 ****
====Tested by command netstat filtered on port 80 ====
Port 80 is not found associated with TCP protocol
Port 80 is not found associated with TCP protocol
====Tested by attempting to open a socket on port 80 ====
Your port 80 is actually used by:
Server: Apache/2.4.33 <Win.32> PHP/5.6.35
Nu reusesc sa fixez aceasta eroare, desi localhost se comporta normal ...
Cred ca singura solutie ar fi sa reinstalez Windows si toate celelalte ...
Cine este conectat
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